Fighting to improve access to local GP surgeries, NHS dentistry and social care services. Ensuring that we can see a medical professional when we need to.
Ensuring that local people are prioritised and have access to affordable homes. If this means building more homes, we must also deliver crucial infrastructure to support this such as the Dinan Way extension.
Making it easier for businesses to operate, attracting quality jobs and rewarding hard work in Exmouth & Exeter East by being the most pro-business candidate.
Working with our Police to enhance community patrols to cut crime. This will be underpinned by building a new state-of-the art police station in Exmouth.
Supporting our farmers so that they can carry on feeding our nation and preserving our countryside, whilst holding to account those responsible for our water services.
Campaigning to ensure that our children are learning the right skills for their future, as employment opportunities become increasingly digital. That also means ensuring adults have access and opportunities to upskill and retrain should they want to.